Criminal Defense Attorneys
Hampshire County District Courts
Eastern Hampshire District Court (Belchertown District Court)
205 State Street (Route 202)
Belchertown, MA 01007
Cities and towns in this court’s jurisdiction:
- Amherst
- Belchertown
- Granby
- Hadley
- Pelham
- South Hadley
- Ware
- M.D.C. Quabbin Reservoir & Watershed Area
Northampton District Court
15 Gothic Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Cities and towns in this court’s jurisdiction:
- Chesterfield
- Cummington
- Easthampton
- Goshen
- Hatfield
- Huntington
- Middlefield
- Northampton
- Plainfield
- Southampton
- Westhampton
- Williamsburg
- Worthington