National Association of Distinguished Counsel / Nation's Top One Percent 2013 - Badge
The National Trial Lawyers / Top 40 Under 40 - Badge
American Academy of Trial Attorneys / Premier 100 2015 - Badge
Super Lawyers / Benjamin P. Urbelis - Badge

2024 Case Results

Here are some of our recent, successful outcomes in 2024 for our clients, in chronological order (most recent first):

June 26, 2024
Malden District Court
APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: Our client was involved in a single- car motor vehicle accident, where she struck a median and flipped her car. When police arrived, they observed our client standing outside her car. She admitted to being the driver, and police noted that she smelled like an alcoholic beverage, her eyes were red, and her speech was slurred. She also admitted to drinking. Due to the significant crash, our client was taken to the hospital for observation, and the police issued her a citation for operating under the influence of alcohol (OUI) and negligent operation of a motor vehicle. She then hired Urbelis Law.
RESULT: At the clerk magistrate’s hearing, Attorney Urbelis was able to convince the magistrate that there lacked probable cause to issue a formal complaint on OUI, the more serious of the two charges. Our client was not charged with OUI, nor will that ever appear on any record or her driving history.

June 25, 2024
Worcester District Court
CHARGES: 3 counts of enticing a child under 16 for sexual intercourse. Our client, a 42 year old man, was charged with this very serious sex offenses as the result of an encounter with 3 juveniles in a public park. He was arrested, held on high bail, and his family then reached out an retained Urbelis Law. Our client was facing significant prison time and sex offender registration.
RESULT: After nearly a year of litigation, we were able to have the charges all reduced to the misdemeanor offense of annoying and accosting, in exchange for our client’s guilty plea to the 3 counts of this misdemeanor offense. He was placed on probation for 2 years. No sex offense registration, no felony conviction, no prison time.

May 31, 2024
Quincy District Court
CHARGES: Assault and Battery on Family/ Household Member, Witness Intimidation, Kidnapping. Our client’s ex- fiancé testified at trial against our client, alleging that he had struck her in the head, taken her phone so that she could not call for help, and locked her in a bathroom for hours. She later took out a restraining order against him while the case was pending. At trial, Attorney Urbelis delivered a blistering cross- examination, demonstrating her inconsistent stories and motive to lie and get him of the house; so she could continue to live there, alone, while he remained legally obligated to pay the mortgage and all of the bills. There was also evidence that she had attempted to have another man move in with her, once she got our client out of the house.
RESULT: Not Guilty on all charges.

May 15, 2024
Boston Municipal Court
CHARGE: Assault and Battery on a Family/ Household Member. Our client was arrested for domestic assault and battery after an altercation with his girlfriend outside of TD Garden, after a Celtics game. Police were called by witnesses who provided video of the altercation, and gave statements as to what they observed. After his arrest, he hired Urbelis Law.
RESULT: After a year and a half of litigation, the case was dismissed.

May 13, 2024
New Bedford Juvenile Court
APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL CHARGE: Assault and Battery. Our client, a 17 year old high school senior, was caught on video attacking another student from behind. There had been ongoing verbal tension between the boys, and the school applied for criminal charges against our client (at the insistence of the other boy’s mother, who appeared at the clerk magistrate’s hearing against our client). The other boy testified that he had to receive medical treatment for his injuries, and our client broke the boy’s glasses.
RESULT: After a full hearing, Attorney Urbelis was able to convince the magistrate to keep the matter open for four months without issuing a criminal complaint, which would have prevented our client from pursuing his military career that fall. After that four month period, the matter would be disposed with no complaint ever issuing, preserving our client’s clean record.

May 2, 2024
Quincy District Court
CHARGE: Operating Under the Influence. Our client was involved in a single- car accident, where he crashed his car into a parked vehicle on the side of a suburban street. When police arrived, they allege that our client was slurring his speech, unsteady on his feet, and smelled like alcohol. He was arrested, refused to submit to the breathalyzer (causing a 180 license loss, but mitigating the incriminating evidence against him) and later hired Urbelis Law.
VERDICT: Attorney Urbelis took the case to trial, and our client was found NOT GUILTY. Attorney Urbelis then filed a motion to have our client’s license prior to the end breath test refusal suspension, which was allowed. He was back on the road the following week.

April 10, 2024
Somerville District Court
CHARGE: Distribution of Class B (cocaine). Somerville Police Department’s drug task force was surveilling our client. They observed activity that gave them reasonable suspicion to believe that our client had just picked up a customer, sold him narcotics, and then dropped him off after driving for two blocks. One set of officers stopped the other individual, who had a bag of cocaine on him, but did not make any statements implicating our client. Another set of officers activated their lights, and attempted to pull over our client, but he led them on a chase. He was eventually detained and arrested. He hired Urbelis Law.
RESULT: After motions relating to the state of the evidence and the law, Attorney Urbelis was able to convince the district attorney’s office that prior to trial, there lacked sufficient evidence to proceed. The district attorney eventually dismissed the complaint.

March 7, 2024
Chelsea District Court
CHARGES: Larceny from a Building. Our client was charged with felony larceny and was being held without bail for 60 days because he was arrested on a separate felony matter.
RESULT: Attorney Belostock negotiated a plea deal with the District Attorney’s Office where the client was released, the felony charge of Larceny from a Building was reduced to a misdemeanor, and the client received 6 months of probation. The case will be dismissed at the end of the 6 months probation and payment of restitution.

March 5, 2024
Malden District Court
CHARGES: Strangulation/ Suffocation, Assault and Battery on a Family/ Household Member. Our client was arrested for these charges after his apartment building’s security found his girlfriend outside of his apartment, her head bleeding, blood on the walls, and she was accusing him of a brutal attack. He was released on a very high bail, and hired Urbelis Law. Attorney Urbelis’s investigation uncovered a different version of events, and our client decided to take the case to trial.
RESULT: The Commonwealth called our client’s ex girlfriend as their primary witness, and through cross- examination Attorney Urbelis exposed a much different account that she had initially reported to police. Our client was acquitted of both charges, and his bail was returned to him.

March 1, 2024
Boston Municipal Court, Central Division
APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: Our client was a 21 year old Northeastern student. After some contentious text messages between his ex- girlfriend and some of her new male friends, our client allegedly made his way to her building, forced his way past security, and forced his way into her dorm to find these men. The Northeastern Police applied for a criminal complaint against our client for Breaking and Entering with intent to commit a misdemeanor, and the ex girlfriend obtained a restraining order. Our client and his parents hired Urbelis Law. Their biggest concern was of course the effect that any criminal charges would have on our client’s future. Attorney Urbelis carefully handled the case, and discovered that our client had been dealing with some underlying mental health issues at the time. While there was not supporting evidence to claim or plead “insanity”, there was sufficient mitigating circumstances to achieve a just result.
RESULT: After a thorough clerk magistrate’s hearing, we were able to avoid any formal criminal charges being pressed against our client, conditioned upon him abiding by the restraining order through its expiration in 9 months. His record remains clean.

February 22, 2024
Quincy District Court
APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: Our client received notice of a magistrate’s hearing, after the Weymouth Police Department applied for a criminal complaint against him for Assault and Battery on a Family/ Household Member. He hired Urbelis Law. After Attorney Urbelis filed his notice of appearance with the court, he obtained the application and police reports. A bar at which the defendant and his former girlfriend were at, arguing, called the police when they say that our client’s elbow struck her face. The police interviewed the ex girlfriend, who said that the elbowing was not intentional, although police noticed a bruise on her face. Surveillance video convinced the police that the incident was NOT an accident, but rather intentional, so they applied for a criminal complaint.
RESULT: After a clerk magistrate’s hearing, we were able to have the application denied, and our client was not charged with a crime.

February 21, 2024
Malden District Court
CHARGES: Operating with a Suspended License for Operating Under the Influence (OAS for OUI), Operating with a Suspended License. If convicted, our client would be required to serve at least the minimum mandatory of 60 days in jail. She was 25 years old bartender, taking classes to earn her associates degree in dental hygiene. The district attorney’s office was not willing to dismiss this more serious of the two charges.
RESULT: After 6 months of litigation by Attorney Urbelis, our motion to dismiss both charges was allowed by the court.

February 8, 2024
Suffolk Superior Court
INDICTMENTS: Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon causing serious bodily injury (ABDW- SBI), Operating Under the Influence causing serious bodily injury (OUI- SBI). Our client was indicted by a grand jury after a horrific accident which left a 25 year old woman unconscious, hospitalized for 3 weeks, and with permanent injuries. Police on scene performed field sobriety tests on our client, and believed that he was intoxicated. He admitted to having a few beers, and that he was coming from the local strip club. Witnesses, surveillance, and a dash cam of a Lyft driver enabled the state police accident reconstruction team to determine that our client was accelerating from zero to 49 mph in under 5 seconds at the time he struck the pedestrian- victim, in the South End of Boston, during the busy hours of a Saturday night. The OUI- SBI charge carried a minimum mandatory sentence of 180 days in the house of corrections, up to 10 years in state prison. He hired Urbelis Law.
RESULT: While Attorney Urbelis tried to negotiate a plea to take the OUI- SBI off the table, the district attorney’s office would not do so, and in fact recommended at least a 2 year prison sentence due to the victim’s injuries. Attorney Urbelis and his client were unwilling to accept that, believing that the evidence was insufficient relating to his impairment. They took both indictments to trial, and Attorney Urbelis was able to have his client’s bar receipt from the strip club excluded as evidence, meaning it was never considered at trial. Our client was acquitted of the more serious OUI- SBI indictment. He was found guilty of ABDW- SBI due to the reckless nature of his driving with the dangerous weapon (motor vehicle) that caused serious injuries, and he was sentenced to serve six months in the house of corrections. However, because there is no minimum mandatory on this indictment, he will be eligible for parole in just 90 days.

February 7, 2024
Roxbury District Court
APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: The Boston Police Department applied for an application for criminal complaint against the client for Breaking and Entering in the Daytime with the Intent to Commit a Felony (also known as “burglary”), a felony offense punishable by 10 years in state prison. The client hired Urbelis Law. At the clerk-magistrate hearing, the alleged victim appeared ready to tell his side of the story.
RESULT: Despite the seriousness of the allegations, Attorney Belostock was able to convince the clerk-magistrate not to issue a criminal complaint against the client, and the case was dismissed.

January 31, 2024
Falmouth District Court
CHARGES: Our client was charged with operating to endanger, and leaving the scene of property damage. She hired Urbelis Law, and Attorney Urbelis represented her through disposition of the case. While balancing the criminal ramifications, Attorney Urbelis worked with our client’s insurance company to promptly resolve the restitution for the other party, putting our client in a better position to resolve the criminal case.RESULT: Our client was given a general continuance on the criminal case; as long as she stays out of trouble for 90 days, the case ends in a complete dismissal, with no admission of wrongdoing.

January 16, 2024
Malden District Court
209A ABUSE PREVENTION ORDER: After her husband obtained an emergency 209A Abuse Prevention Order (aka a restraining order) against her, the defendant hired Urbelis Law, and attorney Lorraine Belostock was able to successfully guide the client through a very sensitive but serious situation. The client had the odds stacked against her: her husband was a local police officer and had physical custody of their newborn. After a two-party hearing, Attorney Belostock was able to convince the judge that an Abuse Prevention Order was not necessary.
RESULT: The Court denied the extension of the 209A Abuse Prevention Order, and the client was reunited with her newborn.

January 12, 2024
Somerville District Court
CHARGES: Possession of Counterfeit Notes, Attempt to Evade Tax, Drug Distribution Class C, Possession of Drugs Class D. The client hired Urbelis Law, and Attorney Belostock represented him through disposition of the case. After the Somerville Police Department pulled over the client’s vehicle for excess window tinting, a search of his vehicle resulted in the discovery of hundreds of THC cartridges, counterfeit cash, and evidence of tax evasion. Charged with multiple felonies, the client faced significant prison time.
RESULT: Despite disagreement from the Commonwealth, Attorney Belostock was able to convince the judge to give the client only a one year Continuation Without a Finding (“CWOF”) with no special probationary conditions. Upon successful completion of probation, the case will be dismissed with no conviction on our client’s record.

January 10, 2024
Worcester Juvenile Court
APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: The Millbury Police Department applied for an application for criminal criminal complaint against a juvenile for Photographing an Unsuspecting Nude Person. After a search of the juvenile’s phone, the police allegedly found dozens of photographs of unsuspecting nude persons. After hiring Urbelis Law, attorney Lorraine Belostock was able to convince the clerk-magistrate of several strong defenses in favor of the client.
RESULT: After a clerk magistrate hearing, the clerk magistrate did not issue a criminal complaint, and our client was not charged with a crime.

January 10, 2024
Marlborough District Court
APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: Our client was a pharmacy employee, and the Marlborough Police Department applied for an application for criminal complaint against him for Larceny of Drugs. He was accused of stealing prescription drugs from his employer, and the alleged incident was caught on surveillance camera. After hiring Urbelis Law, attorney Lorraine Belostock was able to convince the clerk-magistrate that despite the surveillance footage, there were mitigating circumstances in favor of her client.
RESULT: After a clerk magistrate’s hearing, we were able to have the application denied, and our client was not charged with a crime.

January 9, 2024
East Hampshire District Court
PETITION TO SEAL CRIMINAL RECORD: Although Urbelis Law was able to successfully obtain a dismissal for a client who was charged with Breaking and Entering at Nighttime with the Intent to Commit a Felony, the dismissed felony charge still remained on his record and was preventing him from continuing his higher education. Although the Commonwealth strongly objected, attorney Lorraine Belostock was able to convince the judge to seal the client’s criminal record.
RESULT: After a lengthy hearing, the Court allowed the Petition to Seal Criminal Record, and the client was able to move on with his life.

Client Reviews

"Ben Urbelis recently represented me in an OUI case in which I had crashed my car. I honestly did not believe I had any chance of beating it, but fortunately for me Ben was outstanding and all charges were dropped. In my first hearing he was calm, assertive and straight to the point. I was extremely...


"Benjamin Urbelis, an attorney with Urbelis Law LLC, took our call late in the evening when we needed him. Benjamin explained the legal process in a manner that we could understand and provided the legal representation needed to clear up the issue immediately. His experience and credentials were...


"Huge thank you to not only my friend, but my lawyer,Ben Urbelis..I presented him with a case that at first was a bit tricky on paper... but we worked hard together and got all information we needed to prove i was innocent! He knew from the get go a year ago that he was gonna smash this case, and he...


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